
THE WANDERLUST CONSPIRACY | Verse, Prose & Prayers From Cities Chained to the Heart

Cities breed their streets; streets duly birth their designated human beings; human beings, accordingly, give rise to stories; and in a sense, perhaps this is how fables come into the world. Using a hypnotic, multi-textured palette of free verse, prose poetry, flash fiction, flash non-fiction, and homage, The Wanderlust Conspiracy is both an ode to the lure of horizons infused with bliss, and a riotous hat tip to the predilections of human hearts – blazing away with lust and chasing after that consequential rush, as they are. Across sixty-one individual pieces, Siddharth Dasgupta weaves poetry and poetic narratives with the dexterity of an astrologer summoning the stars.  

This collection of poetry (released in November '17) has been brought out by the venerated, gloriously non-commercial, Calcutta-based publishing house - Writers Workshop.
